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Microsoft Windows Help File Content  |  1999-01-17  |  11KB  |  331 lines

  1. :Base gramslam.hlp
  2. :Title Grammar Slammer (Unregistered Copy)
  3. :Index Grammar Slammer (Unregistered Copy)=gramslam.hlp
  4. 1 Introduction to Grammar Slammer
  5. 2 Grammar Slammer Topic List=gvcont
  6. 2 Introduction to Grammar Slammer=Introduction
  7. 2 How to Use Grammar Slammer=HowTo
  8. 1 Style and Usage
  9. 2 Style and Usage Contents=stylecont
  10. 2 Sentence Fragments=fragments
  11. 2 Run-On Sentences=runon
  12. 2 Dangling Modifiers=dangling
  13. 2 Misplaced Modifiers=misplaced
  14. 2 The Right Pronoun to Use (Case)=pronouncase
  15. 2 Possessive Pronouns=posspron
  16. 2 Pronouns with Than and As=pronellip
  17. 2 Subject-Verb Agreement=pronagree
  18. 2 Indefinite Pronouns=indefpron
  19. 2 Pronouns Ending in -self=selfante
  20. 2 Pronoun-Antecedent Problems=anteprobs
  21. 2 The Subjunctive=subjunctive
  22. 2 Comparisons=comparisons
  23. 2 Irregular Comparisons=irrcomp
  24. 2 Comparison Problems=compprob
  25. 2 Negatives=negatives
  26. 2 Tricky Plurals=trickyplurals
  27. 2 The Verb To Be=tobe
  28. 1 Capitalizing
  29. 2 Capitalization Contents=contcap
  30. 2 Capitalizing Sentences=sentcap
  31. 2 Capitalizing Quotations=quotcap
  32. 2 Special Cases for Capitalizing=speccap
  33. 2 Capitalizing Proper Nouns=propnouncap
  34. 2 Names Not Capitalized=notcap
  35. 2 Capitalizing Proper Adjectives=adjcap
  36. 2 Capitalizing Personal Titles=titlemancap
  37. 2 Capitalizing Titles of Things=titlethingcap
  38. 2 Capitalizing in Letters=letterscap
  39. 2 Scientific Nomenclature=scinom
  40. 1 Abbreviations
  41. 2 Abbreviations Contents=abbrcont
  42. 2 Abbreviated Names and Social Titles=abbrname
  43. 2 Abbreviated Rank and Academic Titles=abbrrank
  44. 2 Abbreviations After a Name=abbraftername
  45. 2 Abbreviations of Geographical Features=abbrgeo
  46. 2 State and Province Abbreviations=abbrstate
  47. 2 Abbreviations of Units of Measure=measabbr
  48. 2 Abbreviations of Units of Time=timeabbr
  49. 2 Common Latin Abbreviations=latabbr
  50. 2 Abbreviations in Names of Businesses=busabbr
  51. 2 Acronyms and Pronounced Abbreviations=acronym
  52. 2 Scientific Nomenclature=scinom
  53. 1 Punctuation
  54. 2 Puntuation Contents=punctcont
  55. 2 Periods=period
  56. 2 Question Marks=question
  57. 2 Exclamation Points=exclamation
  58. 2 Commas
  59. 3 Comma Contents=commacont
  60. 3 The Three Most Common Comma Rules=threecomma
  61. 3 Commas in Compound Sentences=commacompsent
  62. 3 Commas in a Series=commaseries
  63. 3 Commas with Paired Adjectives=commapairadj
  64. 3 Commas and Introductory Words=commaintroword
  65. 3 Commas After Introductory Phrases=commaintrophrase
  66. 3 Commas After Introductory Clauses=commaintroclause
  67. 3 Commas with Interrupting Expressions=commaintexp
  68. 3 Commas with Nonrestrictive Modifiers=commanonresmod
  69. 3 Commas with Geographical Names=commageo
  70. 3 Commas with Dates=commadate
  71. 3 Commas with Titles that Follow Names=commatitleafter
  72. 3 Commas in Addresses=commaaddr
  73. 3 Commas in Letter Writing=commalet
  74. 3 Commas in Numbers=commanumb
  75. 3 Commas with Certain Words Omitted=commaellip
  76. 3 Commas with Quotations=commaquot
  77. 3 Adding Commas for Clarity=commaclarity
  78. 3 Commas with Adjectives Following Nouns=commaadjafternoun
  79. 3 When Not to Use Commas=commanot
  80. 2 Semicolons and Colons
  81. 3 Semicolon and Colon Contents=coloncont
  82. 3 Semicolons with Clauses=semiclause
  83. 3 Semicolons in a Series=semiseries
  84. 3 Colons with Lists=colonlist
  85. 3 Colons Before Quotations=colonquot
  86. 3 Colons Separating Independent Clauses=colonindclause
  87. 3 Colons with Appositives=colonappos
  88. 3 Special Cases Using Colons=colonspec
  89. 3 New England Clam Chowder=chowder
  90. 2 Quotation Marks
  91. 3 Quotation Marks Contents=quotcont
  92. 3 Quotation Marks in Direct Quotations=quotmark
  93. 3 Question Marks and Exclamation Points in Quotations=quesquot
  94. 3 Other Punctuation Marks with Quotation Marks=puncquot
  95. 3 Quotation Marks in Dialogue=quotdialog
  96. 3 Quotation Marks in Titles=titlequot
  97. 3 Titles Which Take No Punctuation=titlenopunc
  98. 3 Quotation Marks with Slang=slangquot
  99. 3 Definitions in Quotation Marks=defquot
  100. 3 Single Quotation Marks=singquot
  101. 2 Italicizing and Underlining
  102. 3 Italics and Underlining Contents=ital
  103. 3 Underlining Titles=italtit
  104. 3 Underlining Names=italname
  105. 3 Underlining Foreign Words or Abbreviations=italforeign
  106. 3 Underlining Words for Emphasis=italemph
  107. 3 Underlining Items Which Name Themselves=italsym
  108. 3 Titles Which Take No Punctuation=titlenopunc
  109. 3 Scientific Nomenclature=scinom
  110. 2 Dashes and Parentheses
  111. 3 Dashes and Parentheses Contents=dashcont
  112. 3 Using Dashes=dash
  113. 3 Dashes with Nonrestrictive Modifiers=dashnonres
  114. 3 Using Parentheses=parens
  115. 3 Parentheses with Certain Numbers and Letters=parennumlet
  116. 3 Punctuation Inside Parentheses=parenpunct
  117. 2 Hyphens
  118. 3 Hyphens Contents=hyphen
  119. 3 Numbers Written Out with Hyphens=hyphnum
  120. 3 Hyphenated Prefixes and Suffixes=hyphenaffix
  121. 3 Hyphenated Compound Words=hyphcomp
  122. 3 Hyphens for Clarity=hyphclarity
  123. 3 Dividing at the End of a Line=hyphendline
  124. 2 Apostrophes
  125. 3 Apostrophes Contents=aposcont
  126. 3 Apostrophes Showing Possession=apospossess
  127. 3 Plural Possessives=aposplural
  128. 3 Possessives with More than One Owner=aposmanyowners
  129. 3 Apostrophes with Underlined or Italicized Items=apossym
  130. 3 Apostrophes with Verb Contractions=contverb
  131. 3 Apostrophes with Other Contractions=othercontr
  132. 2 The Ellipsis=ellipsis
  133. 2 Brackets (Crotchets)=brackets
  134. 2 The Virgule (Slant Bar)=virgule
  135. 1 Letter Writing
  136. 2 Letter Writing Contents=ltrcont
  137. 2 Business Letters=buslet
  138. 2 Business Letter Formats=busletform
  139. 2 Friendly Letters=friendlet
  140. 2 Friendly Letter Format=friendform
  141. 2 Envelopes=envelope
  142. 2 Envelope Format=envform
  143. 2 Folding a Standard Letter=folding
  144. 1 Common Mistakes and Choices
  145. 2 Common Mistakes Contents=probcont
  146. 2 Common Mistakes Index--Letter A
  147. 3 A/An=aan
  148. 3 Absolute Modifiers=unique
  149. 3 Accept/Except=accept
  150. 3 Accuse/Allege=accuse
  151. 3 Across/Acrossed/Cross=across
  152. 3 Adapt/Adopt=adapt
  153. 3 Administer/Administrate=admin
  154. 3 Aggravate/Irritate=aggravate
  155. 3 Ain't=aint
  156. 3 A hold/Ahold=ahold
  157. 3 A lot/Allot/Alot=alot
  158. 3 Already/All Ready=already
  159. 3 Alright/All Right=allright
  160. 3 Altogether/All Together=altogether
  161. 3 Always/All Ways=always
  162. 3 American Grammar vs. British Grammar=ameng
  163. 3 Among/Between=among
  164. 3 Amount/Number=amountnum
  165. 3 Ante-/Anti-=ante
  166. 3 Anxious/Eager=anxious
  167. 3 Anymore=anymore
  168. 3 Anyone/Any One=anyone
  169. 3 Anyway/Any Way=anyway
  170. 3 Anyways=anywheres
  171. 3 Anywheres=anywheres
  172. 3 Apart/A part=apart
  173. 3 As/Like=likeas
  174. 3 As To=asto
  175. 3 At after Where=whereat
  176. 3 A Ways=ways
  177. 3 Awhile/A While=awhile
  178. 2 Common Mistakes Index--Letters B and C
  179. 3 Bad/Badly=bad
  180. 3 Because after Reason=because
  181. 3 Being As or Being That=beingas
  182. 3 Beside/Besides=besides
  183. 3 Between/Among=among
  184. 3 Bring/Take=Bring
  185. 3 British Grammar vs. American Grammar=ameng
  186. 3 Blond/Blonde=blond
  187. 3 Burst/Bust/Busted=burst
  188. 3 Can/May=canmay
  189. 3 Can't Help But=canthelp
  190. 3 Clipped Words=clipped
  191. 3 Compose/Comprise=comprise
  192. 3 Continual/Continuous=continual
  193. 3 Could Have/Could Of=couldve
  194. 3 Cross/Across/Acrossed=across
  195. 3 Cult/Occult=cult
  196. 2 Common Mistakes Index--Letters D, E, and F
  197. 3 Different From/Different Than=differentfrom
  198. 3 Diffuse/Defuse=defuse
  199. 3 Disinterested/Uninterested=disinterested
  200. 3 Done as Verb=done
  201. 3 Doesn't/Don't=doesntdont
  202. 3 Due To=dueto
  203. 3 Due To the Fact That=dueto
  204. 3 Emigrate/Immigrate=emigrate
  205. 3 Enthused/Enthusiastic=enthused
  206. 3 Equivocal/Equivocable=unequiv
  207. 3 Everyone/Every One=anyone
  208. 3 Everywheres=anywheres
  209. 3 Exalt/Exult=exalt
  210. 3 Except/Accept=accept
  211. 3 Farther/Further=farther
  212. 3 Fewer/Less=fewerless
  213. 3 For Free=forfree
  214. 3 Fortunate/Fortuitous=fortunate
  215. 2 Common Mistakes Index--Letters G, H, and I
  216. 3 Gone/Went=gonewent
  217. 3 Good/Well=goodwell
  218. 3 Hanged/Hung=hanghung
  219. 3 Have or Had plus Ought=haveought
  220. 3 Have after Could, Would, Should, or Will=couldve
  221. 3 Healthful/Healthy=healthy
  222. 3 Height or Heighth=height
  223. 3 Hers/Her's=hers
  224. 3 Hopefully=hopefully
  225. 3 Hypo-/Hyper-=hypo
  226. 3 Hypocritical/Hypercritical=hypercrit
  227. 3 I Hope/Hopefully=hopefully
  228. 3 Immigrate/Emigrate=emigrate
  229. 3 Imply/Infer=imply
  230. 3 In after Want=wantin
  231. 3 Incredible/Incredulous=incred
  232. 3 Indeterminate/Indeterminable=indetermin
  233. 3 Irregardless/Regardless=regardless
  234. 3 Irritate/Aggravate=aggravate
  235. 3 Its/It's=its
  236. 2 Common Mistakes Index--Letters J, K, L, and M
  237. 3 Jiggle/Joggle/Juggle=jiggle
  238. 3 Judicious/Judicial/Juridical=judic
  239. 3 Just, Use of=justonly
  240. 3 Kind Of, Use of=kindof
  241. 3 Lay/Lie=laylie
  242. 3 Leave/Let=leavelet
  243. 3 Lend/Loan=lendloan
  244. 3 Less/Fewer=fewerless
  245. 3 Less/Littler (More Little)=littlest
  246. 3 Like/As=likeas
  247. 3 Lie/Lay=laylie
  248. 3 Littlest/Least=littlest
  249. 3 Loath/Loathe=loath
  250. 3 Luxuriant/Luxurious=luxuri
  251. 3 Macro-/Micro-=macro
  252. 3 Magnificent/Munificent=magnif
  253. 3 Manic/Maniac=manic
  254. 3 May/Can=canmay
  255. 3 Maybe/May Be=maybe
  256. 3 Morale/Moral=morale
  257. 2 Common Mistakes Index--Letters N, O, P, and Q
  258. 3 Nowheres=anywheres
  259. 3 Number/Amount=amountnum
  260. 3 Occult/Cult=cult
  261. 3 Of, Use of=of
  262. 3 Of after Would, Could, Should, or Will=couldve
  263. 3 Orient/Orientate=orient
  264. 3 Only, Use of=justonly
  265. 3 Ought with Have or Had=haveought
  266. 3 Quash/Squash=quash
  267. 3 Quote/Quotation/Quotation Mark=quotquotquot
  268. 2 Common Mistakes Index--Letters R and S
  269. 3 Raise/Rise=raise
  270. 3 Real/Really=real
  271. 3 Reason with Because=because
  272. 3 Regardless/Irregardless=regardless
  273. 3 Renown/Reknown=renown
  274. 3 Says/Said=sayssaid
  275. 3 Seen/Saw=seen
  276. 3 Sensual/Sensuous=sensual
  277. 3 Set/Sit=setsit
  278. 3 Should Have/Should Of=couldve
  279. 3 Solid/Stolid=stolid
  280. 3 Somewheres=anywheres
  281. 3 Sort Of=kindof
  282. 3 Squash/Quash=quash
  283. 3 Supposed to/Suppose to=suppose
  284. 3 Sure/Surely=sure
  285. 2 Common Mistakes Index--Letter T
  286. 3 Take/Bring=Bring
  287. 3 Tenet/Tenant=tenet
  288. 3 Than/Then=thanthen
  289. 3 That/Where=wherethat
  290. 3 That There and This Here=thatthere
  291. 3 That/Which/Who=thatwhich
  292. 3 Them/Those=themthose
  293. 3 Then/Than=thanthen
  294. 3 There/Their/They're=theretheir
  295. 3 There's/Theirs/Their's=theres
  296. 3 To/Too/Two=totoo
  297. 3 Tortuous/Torturous/Tortured=tortu
  298. 3 Try And/Try To=tryand
  299. 3 Turbid/Turgid=turbid
  300. 2 Common Mistakes Index--Letters U through Z
  301. 3 Unequivocal/Unequivocable=unequiv
  302. 3 Uninterested/Disinterested=disinterested
  303. 3 Unique (and Other Absolute Modifiers)=unique
  304. 3 Used to/Use to=suppose
  305. 3 Want followed by In, Out, Off, Down, or Up=wantin
  306. 3 Warranty/Warrantee/Warrant=warranty
  307. 3 Ways after A=ways
  308. 3 Well/Good=goodwell
  309. 3 Went/Gone=gonewent
  310. 3 Where Followed by At=whereat
  311. 3 Where/That=wherethat
  312. 3 Who/Which/That=thatwhich
  313. 3 Who's/Whose=whose
  314. 3 Will Have/Will Of=couldve
  315. 3 -Wise (Suffix)=wisesuffix
  316. 3 Would Have/Would Of=couldve
  317. 1 Glossary
  318. 2 Glossary=glossary
  319. 1 Spelling Slammer Introduction and Sample
  320. 2 Spelling Slammer Word Index=svcontents
  321. 2 Introduction to Spelling Slammer=introspell
  322. 2 Spelling Rules=rules
  323. 1 Other Information
  324. 2 Other Products and Copyright Info=other
  325. 2 Ordering Grammar Slammer=Order
  326. 2 Ordering other products=SATOrd
  327. 1 How to Use the Grammar Slammer Toolbar
  328. 2 Toolbar Buttons=gvlaunch
  329. 2 Pop-Up Menu Commands=menu
  330. 2 How to Use Windows Help Files=Howtoh